修复 Windows 10 拼音输入法的布局

前言 在英国买了新的电脑,开机后一切顺利,但是在使用系统的拼音输入法后却发现始终是美式布局。 这直接导致了我非常不适应。因此在翻遍了 Windows 自带设置后


缩写 Abbr. Full 中文 T1D Type 1 diabetes 1 型糖尿病 T2D Type 2 diabetes 2 型糖尿病 IR Insulin resistance 胰岛素抵抗 换算公式 胰岛素 1 μIU/mL = 6.00 pmol/L 1 μIU/mL = 1 uIU/mL = 1 mIU/mL HbA1c 1 mg/dL = 0.0555 mmol/L DCM From


If my life full of nonsense, how could I save it? 如果我的生活充满了胡言乱语,那我又该怎么拯救它呢?没有希望,不仅因为找不到解决办法,更是因为没有方向,至少,一切都不明

Fix MathJax cannot newline in Hugo

Issue After posting my first article, I found that seems MathJax “cannot” parse the newline symbol (\\) properly. Usually, we do latex like 1 2 f(x)=ax+b\\ g(x)=kx+d However, it does not work. Solution After checking the source code generated by Hugo, I found that seems all \\ would be replaced by \. I believe it was done by a kind of converting process. So the solution is quite easy: replace all \\ to \\\\.


一些术语 元组(Tuple),本文会与向量(Vector) 进行互换,虽存在细节差异,但是在本文上下文差别甚微,具体差别请参阅 Set, n-Tuple, Vector and Matrix — links and differences